Karnataka’s Congress MLAs, who were supposed to fly to Kochi last night, have changed their plan last minute and shifted to Hyderabad in a luxury bus that was escorted by two other buses. Total three buses from Karnataka have reached Hyderabad via Kurnool amidst tight security. According to reports, 74 Congress legislators, including two women MLAs, have been brought to Hyderabad.
After initially mulling to stay at Park Hyatt, for security reasons, all the Congress MLAs have been later shifted in Taj Krishna where they are currently staying. It is learned that mobile phones of the MLAs have been taken away and they are unavailable for communication in order to avoid horse-trading or poaching from BJP leaders who are short of at least 7 MLAs.
Meanwhile, the JD(S) MLAs have also shifted to Hyderabad. JD(S) MLAs have been boarded in Novotel. JD(S) MLAs arrived in Hyderabad after Kumaraswamy spoke to Telangana CM KCR seeking his help and KCR reportedly offered him to provide shelter to his MLAs in Hyderabad, the city of pearls.
Congress and JD(S) have moved the Supreme Court challenging governor’s decision to invite Yeddyurappa as the CM despite not having the required numbers to form the government. Unlike in Goa, Manipur and Meghalaya where post-poll alliances have been invited to form the government by those respective Governors, Karnataka Governor has not followed the precedents.