Ever since he came out of Bigg Boss, self proclaimed film critic Mahesh Kathi has been targeting Pawan Kalyan. Over the past few months, there has been a ugly war of words between Kathi and Pawan’s fans. Kathi had even alleged that Pawan’s fans had manhandled him on a few occasions.
This morning, Pawan’s fans celebrated as Kathi’s Twitter and Facebook accounts were deactivated. The move was a result of thousands of Pawan’s fans’ who have been frantically reporting Kathi’s social media accounts for the last few days.
But much to the shock of these elated fans, Kathi is back on social media and how! Not only he returned to Twitter and Facebook, but Kathi has also joined Instagram and YouTube. He released a video this evening. “Pawan’s fans are mad. You guys tried to kick me out of social media? Now I’m all-over social media, deal with it,” Kathi challenged Pawan’s fans.