BJP’s senior leader and the Deputy Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Kavinder Gupta has courted a major controversy by terming Kathua rape incident as “minor incident”. “The Kathua incident is a minor one and shouldn’t be given much importance,” Kavinder Gupta said responding to a question posed by a media person. Kavinder stroked this massive controversy just minutes after his swearing-in ceremony as the Deputy CM.
This shocking abysmal reaction of Kavinder has invited ire of netizens, people from various corners who found fault with his perception, mindset. Responding to this huge uproar, Kavinder later on clarified saying “I said there are a lot of similar cases and this particular one should not be exaggerated.”
“The Supreme Court is yet to give its verdict on the case. There is no point in discussing the topic over and over again,” said Kavinder during his clarification.
But this clarification of Kavinder hasn’t satisfied the angry netizens who demanded an unconditional apology from Kavinder and asked for retraction of his statement. Meanwhile, BJP’s top brass is silent over this unwanted controversy.