Ever since Prabhas’ Mirchi scored a big hit with Telugu audiences, veteran Tamil hero Satya Raj is busy enacting father roles to star heroes in Tollywood. But the real demand for him has grown bigger only after this sensational movie.
Yes, for the kind of backstabbing he has done to Baahubali, the whole of India has started thinking about #WKKB, aka Why Kattappa Killed Baahubali, and since then “Kattappa” actor Satya Raj became a busy actor. Latest update is that he has overtaken Prakash Raj when it comes to per-day rate.
Earlier Prakash Raj was famous for asking 6-7 lakhs per day and Tollywood obliged to pay that because of the value addition he brings to a movie with his screen presence. And now, Satya Raj is said to be asking for more than 10 lakhs per day to make his presence felt as hero’s father in Telugu movies.
Though 10 lakhs per day is huge and looks like it is burning pockets of the producer, it’s worth it, we have to say. His presence is bringing that new and dynamic look to Telugu films.