Veteran producer KS Ramarao who has come up with the small budgeted film “Kausalya Krishnamurthy” is unhappy with Telugu news channels which are part of the LLP. He alleged that two channels have even broadcasted the live event of his film, despite promising to do so.
“Both TV9 and NTV that get encouraged through LLP stated that they are giving live coverage of Kausalya Krishnamurthy pre-release event, but actually, they haven’t. If these channels give live coverage of big films’ events, these channels will get the mileage. But if they give live coverage of small films, the producers will get benefitted” he said. Despite the fact that the likes of Vijay Devarakonda and Raashi Khanna attended the pre-release event of this movie, it hasn’t garnered the buzz.
“Like how Chiranjeevi garu’s events and Mahesh garu’s events are getting coverage, even our films need to get know? We’re also paying money and we’re also spending money to promote movies. But why did these channels look us down? Media also plays a crucial part to promote a movie, and I want them to do their duty honestly” said KS Ramarao.
But the producer has clarity over the poor openings of the movie and didn’t link it with media’s partiality. “Our film didn’t got openings, but there is another reason for that” he clarifies.