It appears Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and his family members, who had virtually threatened the Andhra film producers, directors and actors during the peak of the Telangana movement, seem to have come to the conclusion that it would be better to do business with them rather than raising the Telangana bogey.
According to sources, KCR’s daughter and TRS MP from NIzamabad Kalwakuntla Kavitha has invested substantial amount in the forthcoming Telugu film featuring Akhil Akkineni. Akhil Akkineni, son of Amala and Nagarjuna Akkineni.
This is Akhil’s debut film as hero. Producers of the film Sudhakar Reddy and his actor-son Nitiin are from Telangana and both of them had excellent rapport with Kavitha. Moreover, Akkineni Nagarjuna, who is also a co-producer, had a patch-up with KCR in the recent past, after the N-Convention episode.
The untitled film is being directed by V V Vinayak and it is slated for release during summer vacations.