Talking to the media here on Saturday, he said if Sailajanath could talk about integration if he was made the PCC chief. He however complained that his comments on Friday were misquoted by the media. He said Sailajanath was advocating state integration as per the views of the people of his region and pointed that the PCC chief would not have that freedom to express the views of his region. PCC chief post was not for a particular region and as it belongs to the entire state, he would not be at liberty to state his views, Kavuri argued. He said while leaders of the Telangana region would be free to express their desire for a separate state, PCC chief would not be having that freedom.
He said he also voiced integrationist views when he was the Parliament Member. He claimed that he only voiced his views and had not brought pressure on the leadership to follow his advise. He said he only asked the High Command to also listen to his views. He has expressed the view that the party High Command would take a decision that would do good to all the region and asserted that the decision would certainly not harm ay one.
Kavuri visited Gandhi Bhavan for the first time after assuming office as the union minister. PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana hugged and welcomed him. After being closeted with Botsa, Kavuri spoke to the media.
Kavuri said everyone had a right to express his view in a democracy. He said as he was a central minister and not a state minister, he has a responsibility to understand the thinking of the High Command.