Telangana Chief Minister and TRS boss K Chandrashekar Rao steered his party to a grand victory in Assembly polls for the second consecutive term and sworn in as CM within two days, after the results were announced. As soon as KCR sworn in as CM, senior leaders and cabinet aspirants in the party dreamed of getting a place in KCR’s cabinet.
Everyone thought that KCR would choose his cabinet colleagues with in a week and assign them portfolios. But..thanks to KCR’s style of functioning, there has been no efforts in the direction of cabinet expansion and KCR appeared to be least interested in choosing his cabinet colleagues. While Mahmood Ali has been made Home Minister, there is no clarity on when cabinet expansion will take place. It has been about two weeks, since results were announced, but till now there is no sign of cabinet expansion.
In stead of forming a full scale Cabinet and focusing on administration, KCR is working on Federal Front. This is irking many senior leaders in the TRS and some are even feeling humiliated at the way KCR is dealing with cabinet expansion.
“Most of the times, swearing in of CM and cabinet Ministers was done with in a week. Never in the history or may by in the future, political development like this, where Cabinet was not expanded even after two weeks has occurred. Going by KCR’s schedule it appears that he is not going to expand cabinet at least till January first week. KCR is known for his autocratic style of functioning. As he has won second time, he may be in no mood to listen to MLAs. So there is no option for even Minister aspirants but to wait patiently till KCR expands cabinet,” said an insider from TRS.
Knowing KCR’s nature, even Ministerial aspirants are also biding their time and waiting patiently and making no efforts to impress or pressurise CM.