BJP party in Telangana has moved privilege motion against its Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao in the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday for allegedly “violating” the rights of members of Assembly. BJP state president Kishan Reddy said that has moved privilege motion against KCR in the house and lodged a complaint with Assembly speaker against KCR.
Later speaking at the media point, the MLA of Amberpet said, “KCR has grossly violated our rights by not making a formal announcement on the official symbols of state in the Legislative Assembly. Why was KCR ignoring the procedure to be followed and breaking the conventions?
Why didn’t he taken the members of Legislative Assembly into account in an important issue like finalizing the symbols of state?” Kishan Reddy has demanded Speaker Madhusudhana Chary to react on his complaint immediately and asked him to take action against leader of the house KCR. TRS leaders are yet to respond to BJP’s privilege motion against KCR.