The monsoon sessions of Telangana Assembly witnessed a day of heated arguments and satires between the ruling and the opposition party leaders. Especially, CM KCR’s farm house has come under intense attack by the TDP leader Errabelli Dayakara Rao and the MIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi.
It is well known that KCR has close to 45 acres of farm lands in Venkatapuram village in Medak district. KCR often goes to his farm house and cultivates crops using the green house technology, with a mission to bring a green revolution in Telangana. Not just farming, but these lands are also research labs that strive on developing techniques for low cost and high yielding crops in less farming area.
Targeting KCR’s farm house and his exemplary farming skills in a rather sarcastic tone, Errabelli wondered what is the use of KCR and his government officials visiting Israel and China to observe new farming techniques when kc himself is earning crores of rupees in his farm lands. Errabelli further said that KCR should instead take all the farmers of Telangana to his farm house and teach them new techniques to cultivate high yielding crops just like him.
Taking the cue from the TDP leader, the MIM MLA, Akbaruddin Owaisi, said that he has paper clippings of KCR stylishly posing in his farm house wearing a cap. Akbaruddin, who vehemently fought against the pitiable condition of the farmers, said, “KCR Saab, I want to see all the farmers in the state wearing caps and smiling happily just like you in the near future.