Senior leader V Hanumantha Rao doesn’t mince his words when taking on KCR. Taking potshots at KCR and family, the former MP accused KCR & co of doing family rule in Telangana. Citing at the early elections, VH said KCR is in a great hurry in order to elevate KTR for the CM and wants to move to national politics.
He said the people of Telangana are vexed with KCR’s family rule and said they would teach a strong lesson to KCR and TRS in the coming elections.
Talking about the TRS’ Pragati Nivedana Sabha to be held on Sep 2nd in Hyderabad in a massive way, VH dubbed KCR & Co of making tall claims. Referring to KCR’s comments that as many as massive 25 Lakh people would be attending this huge public meeting, VH said he would quit politics if KCR gets such big turn out for the event.
As TRS is planning for early election, Congress senior leaders are raising their ante against KCR & Co.