This time also, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao allocated huge funds to Irrigation headed by T Harish Rao. While the three portfolios of IT, Industry and Municipal Administration overseen by KTR received a raw deal in the budget 2018-19 proposals presented by Finance minister E Rajendar in the Assembly.
Harish has got Rs 25,000 crore to complete pending major and medium irrigation projects and also for Mission Kakatiya. All the funds will be used to complete the projects.
While, KTR a little more disappointed for not allocating required funds. Municipal Administration had got Rs 5,700 crore, Rs 1500 crore to industry and a mere Rs 200 crore for IT industry. The Grand total of allocations to KTR will Rs 6,500 crore only. In the last year budget also, Harish got more funds than KCR’s son.