It’s more than seven months since Telangana got separated from Andhra Pradesh, but Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao still seems to have utter contempt for Andhra region and its leaders. On Thursday, KCR virtually humiliated Union minister of State for Science and Technology Y S Chowdary better known as Sujana Chowdary by refusing to turn up in his office, though he gave time for the union minister.
Sujana was supposed to meet the Telangana Chief Minister on a courtesy call in the afternoon. He promptly turned up at the Chief Minister’s Office in the Secretariat, but to his surprise, the officials told him that KCR won’t be turning up to the office the whole day.
A visibly upset Sujana wondered why KCR had given him appointment, if he had work outside. “If the Chief Minister had any emergency work outside, the CMO should have intimated me well in advance,” Sujana lamented. Later, he met Chief Secretary Rajiv Sarma and left the place.