Telangana Rashtra Samithi president and chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, who never questioned the appointment of previous Governor E S L Narasimhan, seems to be wary of new Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan.
Though officially the TRS or KCR did not make any comment on the new Governor, an article written by CM’s press secretary Vanam Jwala Narasimha Rao in a local English daily triggered uproar in the political circles.
In the article titled “Gubernatorial gimmicks of modern times,” the CM’s press secretary questioned the manner in which Tamilisai was appointed.
He argued that as per Sarkaria Commission recommendations, no person with immediate political background should be appointed as Governor of a state, that too, without consulting the chief minister.
Bharatiya Janata Party strongly reacted to the article and wondered whether KCR and his government were scared of the new Governor.
“The article written by KCR’s public relations officer clearly shows that the Chief Minister’s Office is quite rattled on Governor’s appointment for reasons only known to them,” BJP spokesperson K Krishnasagar Rao said.
He alleged that the author had cast aspersions on the new governor and presumed that she would misuse the office.
“He also categorically states the recent appointment is a political rehabilitation, which is highly condemnable,” the BJP leader said.
He said the BJP strongly condemns these baseless accusations and presumptive political conspiracy being attributed to a constitutional custodian appointed through due process. He demanded an apology from KCR to the Governor.