Senior Congress leader from Telangana, Ponnam Prabhakar, took a sarcastic dig at Telangana CM KCR. Lambasting the state government’s negligence towards farmers’ suicides, Ponnam challenged the TRS party leaders for an open discussion. The former Congress Minister made these comments while speaking about Limbaiah’s suicide in Hyderabad yesterday.
Ponnam reiterated that the severe depression in the state’s agriculture sector took Limbaiah’s life, and further fired at the state minister’s irresponsible comments that Limbaiah died because of his son’s health issues and not due to debts.
The firebrand Congress leader also revealed that 491 farmers committed suicide in the state and that only 55 farmers families were given compensation in Medak. Ponnam also demand the government to offer 5 lakh compensation to all the grieving farmer families.
Taking a sarcastic jib at the state’s CM KCR, Ponnam said that the current incessant rains in Telangana are only because KCR left for China. Mocking further, Ponnam sarcastically said that the entire state is wishing that KCR should spend some months in abroad so that Telangana gets more rains.