Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first-ever meeting with the Chief Ministers of all the states of India witnessed several anxious moments. While Chief Ministers of West Bengal and Jammu Kashmir Mamta Banerjee and Omar Abdullah respectively chose to skip the meeting considering their rough weather with Modi, the presence of CMs of new states AP and Telangana Chandrababu Naidu and KCR garnered attention at the do.
The meeting was held at Modi’s residence where Modi and CMs have posed for a group photo after the meeting. While KCR grabbed a position in the front row, next to PM Modi, Chandrababu confined to position in the second row.
However, TDP leaders claimed that Naidu is always ahead in maintaining relation with Modi and Centre. Meanwhile, KCR and Chandrababu welcomed Modi’s decision to constitute Chief Ministers’ Council and restructuring of Planning Commission which lost its sheen in UPA regime.