Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan has sent clear directives to all the district collectors in the conference held on Monday. Addressing the conference, Jagan said the corruption in the state is too high and it should not be seen in another few days. This is not a difficult task and all the officials should work efficiently to eradicate corruption.
On that note, Jagan also ordered for shut down of all card clubs (Pekata). “Irrespective of the political background of a leader and pressure, take daring decisions. People should not go to the circumstances that they should bribe the officials to get their job done or roam around government offices for days and months for permission. Take a call, if there is a genuine issue and look into it and solve at the earliest. But if it is something not appropriate, then fix it and don’t hesitate,” said Jagan.
‘Say no to illegal activities, say no to sand mafia, say no to looting and just shut down all the card clubs that are indulging in gambling,” added Jagan and further said for collectors that we are here to provide better governance for people and we are not rulers, we are at their service.