Telangana Chief Minister K.Chandrasekhar Rao seems to be a Man of his word. Earlier this month we reported about KCR gifting a cheque of 10 Lakhs to a young kid Srija from Khammam for her tremendous knowledge in Telangana history and culture.
By April 10th, the little girl along with her parents Sudharani and Kiran Kumar met KCR at his camp office. During the meet, Telangana Chief Minister KCR promised the little girl that one day he will come and have supper in her house. As he promised he surprised her yesterday night.
The little girl Srija earlier reeled out statistics, dates, numbers and she has also narrated historic events. KCR was thoroughly impressed with it. KCR visited Lakshmi Srija in Dwarakanagar and the entire town came alive with a festival mood. KCR came with his daughter MP Kavitha.
Ms.Kavitha also appreciated her talents and presented her gold chain. Srija’s parents who were shell shocked with KCR’s arrival greeted him with great warmth. Srija is right now studying Std.IV and she still has a remarkable memory power.