Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has surprised one and all with his gesture as he had given a peck to cricketer Ambati Rayudu’s hand. KCR, who was the guest at India Vs Sri Lanka match held at Uppal Stadium, shook hands with the members of Indian Cricket team one by one before the match begins. While skipper Virat Kohli introduced each and everyone to KCR, the TRS chief wished them all the best in person.
As KCR came close by Ambati Rayudu, he took his hand into his hands and kissed them much to the surprise of the rest of the team members and so the audience in the galleries. In fact, Rayudu himself seemed stunned with the sudden gesture of KCR. Ambati Rayudu, who is representing Indian national cricket team internationally, hails from Guntur district. 29-yr-old Ambati is the right-handed batsman who also plays Twenty20 tournaments on behalf of Mumbai Indians.