TRS chief and Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and his son, TRS working president KT Rama Rao are said to be ‘very angry’ at actor and Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan crossing all the limits in showing Telangana and Telangana statehood agitation in a ‘bad light’.
The Kalwakuntla family reportedly warned ‘mega family’ to control Pawan Kalyan else the government would deal with him sternly for which they should not be held responsible later.Pawan’s recent remarks demeaning Telangana statehood agitation is said to be the reason for KCR and KTR getting angry over him.
Pawan reportedly said Telangana agitation was led by ‘drunkards’, targetting KCR and KTR.A police complaint was already lodged in Jubilee Hills police station against Pawan for his unsavoury comments.KCR, KTR wants to pursue this case seriously, book Pawan and send him to jail.
But due to their ‘closeness’ with ‘mega family’, they reportedly alerted Chiranjeevi and his family members against Pawan and told them to control Pawan and if they fail to do so, they know how to deal with Pawan.
Though TRS government has been maintaining complete restraint against Pawan despite Pawan levelling ‘serious allegations’ against TRS government during recent AP Assembly polls saying that Andhra people in Hyderabad were beaten up by Telangana people etc, Pawan continues to provoke TRS government with his wild comments.
KCR and KTR reportedly feel that ‘it’s enough of Pawan now and it’s time to act against him’ if he fails to mend his ways.