Telangana Chief Minister KCR yet again belittled the people of Andhra Pradesh and their language, ascent. Claiming that Andhra people “insulted” Telangana language, culture earlier, KCR said, “Andhra people have insulted Telangana dialect, culture a lot of times. I’ve told several times that it’s not fair. Even few claimed that they taught us how to eat.
This made me angry and I retaliated that Andhra people don’t know how to cook Biryani until we taught them. We know Biryani, Sherwani since 300 years.” Asking people of Telangana to continue to use native dialect and making fun on Andhra language ‘Andi’, KCR said, “Few are under impression that using native dialect might not be good. We should be proud of our dialect. Like how their (Andhra) mother is proud to themselves, our mother is our pride.
We should rather use Aanapakaya instead of using Sorakaya which is Andhra language.” KCR stated that few children have requested him to not to change his language, dialect. “I was told, ‘Uncle, we like your speeches. Please kindly don’t change your language, dialect.’,” shared KCR. KCR went on to heap praises on Nizam.
Calling him as glorious king of the region, KCR reiterated, “Nizam is responsible for the development of Telangana. He might have done few mistakes like many kings do in their kingdoms but that can’t nullify his greatness.” KCR’s speech yet again reflected that he is wooing Muslims and Telangana people as part of vote-bank politics.