Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will be meeting West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee in Kolkata tomorrow amid efforts to form a formidable non-BJP front of opposition parties ahead of the crucial 2019 Parliamentary poll.
KCR, who is also Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) president, is likely to meet Banerjee in her office tomorrow, confirmed TMC official sources.
The meeting assumes political significance as KCR recently floated the idea of forming a “Third front” against BJP and the Congress for 2019 general election.
Banerjee, who is also Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief, is playing an instrumental role in bringing together opposition parties against the BJP-led NDA to throw them out of power in the coming national poll.
KCR claimed that Mamata Banerjee had called him and backed his proposal of alternative force to BJP and Congress.
Meanwhile, Mamata is likely to ask KCR’s deciscion on TDP’s No-Confidence Motion against Modi. As Mamata already announced his support, KCR is yet to announce TRS MPs support to TDP.