Telangana Chief Minister KCR is known for his frank and bold talk and is not bothered about what critics or detractors say. Recently he gave clean chit to media baron Ramoji Rao who owns Eenadu and Ramoji Group. KCR not only made some interesting comments on Ramoji Rao in Warangal district which happened to be the hot bed and birthplace of Telangana movement.
This sends signals that KCR gave clarification on all the comments he made on Ramoji Rao till now. KCR even referred to his comments that he will bulldoze Ramoji Film City with one lakh ploughs. Now KCR said he never made such comments but only media twisted his words.
He gave clean chit saying Ramoji Rao never got even single acre from Government but bought each and every inch of Film City from the Government. He even shocked all saying he opposed former CM YS.Rajasekhar Reddy targeting Ramoji during his rule.
He added that when YSR tried to takeover Film City, he visited there and asked Ramoji Rao about the assigned lands. He revealed that Ramoji informed him there were no assigned lands in Film City.