While the whole nation is heaping praises on former Indian president Abdul Kalam who passed away recently, Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao took a step ahead and decided to honour Kalam in a unique way. Proposing to name DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organization) after APJ Abdul Kalam, KCR has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Reminiscing Kalam’s contribution to the scientific research and defence technology, KCR recalled that Kalam had worked as DRDO’s director and recalled that under his helm, several defence institutions were set up in Hyderabad. Crediting Kalam for setting up of DRDO complex at Mithani in Hyderabad, DRDL, RCI, ICBM and other premier institutions, KCR lauded that Kalam’s contribution to Hyderabad and nation are great.
In his letter, KCR also stated that naming DRDO after Kalam would inspire several others to take up on scientific research and defense technology as working field. With his latest move, KCR has earned more brownie points.