Telangana Rashtra Samithi president K Chandrasekhar Rao was sworn in as the chief minister of Telangana for the second successive term, at what the Vedic priests called “Bahubali” Muhurtam.”
The TRS president was administered oath of office and secrecy by Governor E S L Narasimhan exactly at 1.25 pm, a muhurtam fixed by the Vedic pandits from Lord Lakshminarasimha Swamy temple at Yadadri in Bhongir district.
Apart from KCR, former deputy chief minister of Telangana Mohammad Mahmud Ali also took oath as a Cabinet minister.
He might retain the deputy CM post again. While KCR took oath in Telugu, Ali did it in Urdu.
According to the TRS sources, the next expansion of the cabinet will take place on December 18 and it is going to have a balance of all communities and castes.
The muhurtham at which KCR took the oath is believed to be highly auspicious. According to Lakshmi Narasimhachary, head priest of the Yadadri temple, the auspicious period began at 1.24 pm and would continue for one and half hours.
“Today happens to be Margasira Shashti as per Hindu calendar, which is highly favourable tithi. It is a Baahubali muhurtham and will fetch “Raja Yoga” for KCR, who would get immense power to rule the state without any obstacles. During this period, all the planets are in a top position favouring him a lot of luck,” he said.