The CM of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao has announced in the Legislative Assembly that he would be personally arguing before Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal in order to get legitimate water share for TS. If this indeed happens, then he would be creating history as the first ever CM to argue directly before any tribunal.
KCR also stated that he wants to create history by arguing the case in his capacity as CM. This announcement was followed by applause from the ruling benches even as KCR reportedly alleged that united AP subjected Telangana region to gross injustice over allocations of Krishna water.
KCR also assured of holding district-wise meetings with ministers, MLAs and public representatives for arriving at a consensus regarding effective implementation of irrigation schemes. KCR is known for his tall claims and it has be seen whether this can work out really because recently he accused Krishna board chairman as ‘sannasi’ meaning useless fellow!