Days after the Telangana High Court gave green signal for the construction of new Secretariat, the demolishing drive of old Secretariat had commenced the other day night. The police are put in place and no traffic moment is being allowed into the Secretariat road.
While this is happening at one end, Telangana CM KCR has given his formal nod for the new design. Mumbai based architect Hafeez Contractor’s design was approved by CM KCR and the new design partly resembles the KrishnaDevaraya Polytechnic college in Vanaparthi. But most importantly, it will have no ‘vaastu’ loopholes as KCR is a strong believer of it.
The new Secretariat is going to be a six storey building spreading across seven lakh square feet and the estimated budget of the construction is around Rs 400-500 crore. The new Secretariat will have the ministers’ offices and offices of respective secretaries.
Apart from this, the entrance of CM will be a separate one which will be having high technical stuff for the security reasons. The total area opposite Hussain Sagar is spread across 27 acres but only 20 percent of the space will be used for the construction of the Secretariat.
The rest of land will be used for landscapes, fountains and parking which can accommodate at least 800 vehicles at a time. The construction works of the new Secretariat is likely to begin from July last week and in a record time, it is likely to be wrapped up.
Overall, KCR’s dream is finally happening and he hopes to step into the new Secretariat before the conclusion of his second term