The Telangana CM KCR had to abruptly return from his New Delhi trip on Sunday after he failed to secure an appointment with PM Narendra Modi, which, may be a sign of the persisting `cold vibes’ between these two leaders. Modi and KCR are yet to have decent one-on-one meeting after seven months of coming to power in the general elections.
KCR reportedly called Modi a `fascist’ in August although the chief minister had started denying it later. The PM has also come to know that KCR did not promote Modi’s pet campaign `Swachh Bharat’ enthusiastically and failed to observe `Good Governance Day’ on December 25th. Political analysts say that KCR’s attitude that as soon as he praises Modi, he will fall in line and then he can snub Chandrababu with Modi’s help is proving to be naught.
Modi seems to have not forgotten KCR’s term called Sannasi and now suddenly he wants to make friendship for ensuring more funds, something Modi is not that keen to let go! It has to be seen how KCR is going to make amends to all this.