As speculated widely, the Hyderabad Metro project is all set to hang in balance with reports that the state government of Telangana is not pleased with many of the political remarks which were made against Telangana state in the letter wriiten by L&T Metro Rail managing director V.B. Gadgil. It is a known fact that this letter has been leaked to media on Wednesday.
Sources say that Chief Minister KCR has reportedly directed the officials to make a strong protest against Gadgil’s remarks against Telangana state formation. KCR is also very much upset how the letter mentioned Hyderabad losing its significance without AP and also reportedly asked them to pursue this issue with the top management of L&T, seeking strict action against Gadgil for his unwanted political overtones.
KCR feels that Mr Gadgil’s remarks against Telangana state and Hyderabad city were totally uncalled for which had nothing related to the Metro project. There are even rumours that KCR himself countered Gadgil on Wednesday when they had a meeting!