Telangana Congress senior leader and former Nizamabad MP Madhu Yashki came down heavily on Chief Minister KCR. Levelling serious allegations against KCR, Madhu Yashki stated that KCR had in the past worked as Gulf agent. Madhu Yashki who is in Dubai made the aforementioned comments.
He further said, “Not many know what KCR had done in the past. KCR kick started his political career with Congress and later he joined TDP claiming that he’s a great fan of NTR. Subsequently, he ditched TDP and floated his own TRS party. But before playing active role in politics, KCR had worked as Gulf agent.”
“So, KCR must be well aware of illegal migration and the modus operandi of expatriation,” added Madhu Yashki Goud. The formed Nizamabad MP was defeated by KCR’s daughter Kalvakuntla Kavitha with a good majority thus confining him to the Gandhi Bhavan.