Well, the verbal war between the TRS party and TDP party goes to another level. Reacting to the pinching comments of the ruling party leaders, and the suspension of the leaders, the opposition party, TDP, leader Revanth Reddy fired out in a huge way.
He said “If you call us monkeys, we accept it humbly. Yes we’re monkeys. We’re vanaras. But KCR is none other than Ravana. Only with the help of Vanara Sena, Ravan was destroyed.” Blaming TRS for whatever happened, Revanth Reddy said “Since we’re pointing out at the lapses in government, they (TRS) don’t want us to be inside Assembly.
Suspending 10 MLAs for no reason says that all. Why are they not showcasing the full video in public and why are they showing an edited video?” However, on the other hand TRS party leaders are blaming the TDP leaders for not respecting the National Anthem and did not even apologize after asking for it.
But the TDP leaders say another version that they are ready to apologize but the TRS party doesn’t want them to enter the Assembly. So, that means KCR doesn’t want any opposition party leaders to raise their voice. TDP leader, Revanth Reddy said “We’re even ready to apologise.
But TRS doesn’t want us inside Assembly. It’s their ploy to send us. We’re questioning them for not providing an opportunity for a woman legislator in KCR’s cabinet. Even SCs, STs don’t get representation in KCR’s cabinet. Fearing that we would corner them on the issue, they’d thrown us out of Assembly.”