In a bid to woo investors to Telangana and distract them from Andhra Pradesh, Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has chalked out a new plan. He is said to be throwing “Cyclone-free” card to industrialists to attract their new projects. KCR is going to highlight the same in his much-anticipated industrial policy which he is going to present in Telangana Assembly soon. KCR apparently directed higher authorities to spotlight that Telangana is “Cyclone Free” in the policy.
Meanwhile, KCR is keeping everything under wraps until it’s announced. Sources in the know divulge that the industrial policy will adopt a “Single-window clearance” procedure online for better “transparency” and “efficiency”. At the same time, KCR is also contemplating to give tax benefits to companies who are going to invest over Rs 200 Crore and employ over 1000 people. As part of the new policy, Telangana government will exempt them from stamp duty, reimburse VAT, subsidized land and 10% water for free for industrial use.
Apart from these, the policy will allow government to shower more Sops to industries who set up their units in rest of the districts excluding Medak, Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy. However, the only one thing that’s holding back Telangana government is “24×7” power which Andhra Pradesh government is offering. The sheer competition between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana governments has come in handy for industries. MNCs are closely monitoring the initiatives of the both states and their industrial policies. At the moment, AP has an upper hand.