It may look like the Telangana CM KCR had ousted one of his own party member, while Jana Reddy is from Congress. But Telangana Congress leaders have petitioned Sonia to replace him as the leader of Congress Legislature party in T-Assembly.
It is a known fact that the senior Congressman Jana Reddy is very soft on KCR and especially after KCR describing Jana as “Peddayana” with respect, Congress leaders feel Jana has been bowled over.
Even Jana himself admits that when KCR gives him so much respect, how can he speak against him. This is causing apprehension among Congressmen that people of TS may no longer recognize them as the main opposition.
Hence, there are reports that very soon, the Congress boss Sonia Gandhi might replace him with another able leader as CLP chief in Assembly, someone who can rein in TRS government’s failures. Let us see what happens.