The Telangana government has already taken up many difficult tasks which include a lot of financial and physical crunch. One of such useless idea of the Telangana state government is the cleaning of the Hussain Sagar Lake.
It is apparent that the two states after bifurcation are under huge pressure of deficit finance and this work of emptying the Hussain Sagar Lake and refilling it would definitely be a tough task. Many scientific and organisations quoted it as a pure waste of public funds.
So, what do you think? Are you with KCR or with the activists? Don’t you think it is waste of money? Talking about this proposal of cleaning Hussain Sagar, Save Our Urban Lakes (SOUL), a voluntary organisation demanded to create awareness among people and implement it rather than wasting a huge lot of money.
They fired on KCR that why did they not take any action on industries which are the actual reason behind this. One of the volunteer said “It is a total waste. Okay we shall consider that the Lake is cleaned and filled with fresh water.
Then the wastes will again be dumped in to the lake by the industries. What did government do to stop that? Did at least one industry near the lake made alternate method of waste disposal.”