In a shocking incident, a farmer, who happens to be neighbour of Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao in Medak district, has committed suicide by drinking pesticide. The debt-ridden farmer has taken the extreme step as he was unable to overcome the piled up debts as he suffered complete losses during his previous crops.
Teary-eyed, grieving Swapna, wife of the deceased farmer, says, “My husband could not bear burden of loan, drank pesticide and died. Our field is next to KCR’s but of no use. There was no power supply resulting my husband’s suicide.” Swapna made it clear that lack of enough power supply had caused her husband’s death as their crop failed. This is not one case.
There are several other such cases in Medak district. Figures indicate that more than 400 farmers have killed themselves in the last five months in the new state of Telangana. Contrary to this, CM KCR decided to double the salaries of 119 MLAs and 40 MLCs. MLAs, who are getting Rs 95,000/- per month, will now get Rs 2 Lakh per month. Certainly an ironical situation.