Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao resolved to supply 24 hour power supply too all sectors including domestic, agriculture, commercial and industrial sectors in Telangana in 2018. On his instructions, government kick started round the clock power supply from December 31 midnight also.
On January first , many leaders thronged the CM’s camp office Pragati Bhavan and extended new year greetings to KCR. During interaction with the leaders and officials, the chief minister said he resolved to make Telangana a power cut free state in the new year. All sectors will get uninterrupted power supply.
KCR told his ministers and officials to bring to his notice directly if any power cut problem noticed in their assembly constituencies this year. If any one brought the power cut to his notice, the CM told he will give a surprise gift to them also.
He also said that he resolved not to put burden on consumers by increasing power tariff in the new year. KCR wanted to see happiness in every house by availing quality power supply at affordable prices.