Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has promised Telugu Film Industry to provide “healthy”, “pleasant” and “appealing” environment for its growth and expansion. That’s not all. KCR has also promised that Telangana government would create “global standards” facilities for film-making. “I’ll create facilities for the shooting of Hollywood films here. We’re committed for the growth of Telugu Film Industry,” said KCR at a political event on Wednesday.
But what’s irony is that at a time many Telugu producers in public blamed at the “rules” and “regulations” of government while giving “permissions” to the film shootings in and around Hyderabad, KCR’s over-the-top statements of “creating facilities for the shooting of Hollywood films” is a bit unrealistic and seems far from the reality. In fact, several top producers including Suresh Babu on record lamented that producers have to suffer a lot from police and other government officials in Hyderabad in getting permissions for the film shoots and even difficult to manage the crowds. Also KCR has promised to come up with Telangana Film City at Rachakonda and nothing concrete has done so far.
On other front, TRS sources say that “KCR was so far busy with administrative and politics and couldn’t concentrate on Film Industry yet, but once he’s into, he will definitely set it into order.” Let’s wait and see how KCR is going to act in coming days.