#KeepModiGiveKohinoor started with Salman Nazim and now is trending both in India and in UK. Salma Nazim asked on Twitter for the 105 Carte Kohinoor Diamond, originally belonging to India but in the custody of Queen Elizabeth and the English royal family of Queen Victoria since the mid 19 century, to be returned to India
While few want Modi to be kept and Kohinoor to be returned few others want UK to have custody of both Modi and Kohinoor more preferably Modi. While this one person Oneworld offered one more Kohinoor to Britain if they accept to Keep Modi forever.
Mean while Twitter India banned the Hashtag just for a while and had to face the back lash of its patrons. On the other hand there were enough to call this a stupid trend and few more sharing there piece of mind on why Modi is the precious gem of India. Over all Twitter saw 11 thousand people used #KeepModiGiveKohinoor.