Bollywood filmmakers Neeraj Pandey is making a biopic based on MS Dhoni’s life. Titled as ‘MS Dhoni: The Untold Story’, Sushant Singh Rajput is portraying the role of our India Captain.
Speculations were made that Ram Charan might appear in the role of Suresh Raina, but nothing has been official confirmed. According to the reports, Neeraj Pandey has decided to dedicate a song from this film to our Indian Cricket team ahead of their crucial match against Pakistan.
MM Keeravani is the music director for ‘MS Dhoni: The Untold Story’ and Neeraj Pandey has directed a music video to dedicate it for the Indian Team.
This music video title ‘Phir Se’, will be unveiled on February 15, 2015, the same day on which India and Pakistan will be playing against each other.