Bollywood director Nagesh Kukunoor is all set to make his directorial debut in Telugu. For this he has picked Keerthy Suresh, Aadhi Pinisetty and Jagapathi Babu for the lead cast.
Interestingly this is a sports romedy and the genre is quite intriguing. The film has already started shooting and the first schedule is wrapped up.
This untitled film has top technicians like ‘Rockstar’ Devi Sri Prasad for music and Chirantan Das of ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ fame to handle the cinematography.
The makers are planning for shoot in Vikarabad and Pune.
Designer Shravya Varma is co-producing the movie while Sudheer Chandra is the actual producer and bankrolling it under Worth A Shot Motion Arts banner.
Release is being planned in September 2019.