After the exit polls verdict, AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal has every reason to celebrate and the time seems to be filled with excitement waiting for the proper official announcement. He already advised his party cadre to chill out, go to cinema, meditate, spend with family, sleep or do anything they want to do.
After the Saturday polls, there is a clear prediction of AAP’s victory. So, can you guess how Kejriwal spent his time on Sunday? A general preparatory meeting followed by watching Akshay Kumar and Tapsee starrer ‘Baby’ along with his AAP volunteers at Wave Cinemas near his house.
It’s not asking volunteers to relax, the convenor himself is relaxing ahead of a huge responsibility i.e., ascending the throne as Delhi CM. This relaxed attitude itself says much about the confidence that came as a result of counter strategies employed by Kejriwal’s team. And if the exit polls are to be believed, BJP fell flat for Arvind’s team strategical approach after Kiran Bedi’s entry.