South Indian beautiful actress Khushbhu who ruled both Kollywood and Tollywood for a long time and she was also worshiped in a temple which was specially built for her beauty. But now she is working on small screen after appearing in Stalin film with Chiranjeevi.
Khushbhu met with an accident recently, While she is travelling to host a show in chennai and her car was stopped at red signal. A government vehicle which did not notice signal rushed to her car and losing control over the bus driver hits Khushbhu’s car and complete back part of car is smashed.
Luckily Khushbhu is completely fine without any injury, She said that “I was about to file a case on that driver but he begged me not to do it as his entire family will be on road and this is his only source of income”. So I left him without complaining or filing any case on him.