Khushi,” directed by Shiva Nirvana and starring Vijay Devarakonda and Samantha, embarked on a promising journey, igniting high expectations at the box office. On its debut day, the film showcased an outstanding performance, hinting at a robust start.
Vijay Devarakonda achieved a career high in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, with the movie grossing 15.85 crores and securing a share of 9.87 crores. Notably, the Nizam area dominated, contributing 5.15 crores, while ceded and Uttarandhra regions chipped in with 91 lakhs and 1.13 crores, respectively.
Although the film’s performance in other Indian languages like Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam was relatively modest, it made a mark internationally, amassing a share of 4.24 crores on the opening day.