Released on April 26, 2001, Pawan Kalyan’s Khushi went on to become a huge blockbuster and recreated several existing records. Pawan, who had already given hits like Tholi Prema and Thammudu before, attained star image with Khushi’s success. Fans still celebrate the movie, the love track between Pawan and Bhumika and the superhit songs.
To celebrate Khushi’s 17th anniversary, the film’s producer AM Ratnam today met Pawan Kalyan at Janasena office. Pawan and Ratnam share a close rapport with each other and they both had a warm interaction for a long time.
Incidentally, AM Ratnam had announced his Tollywood comeback project with Pawan Kalyan a few months ago. The film, which was rumoured to be an official remake of Ajith’s Vedalam, was supposed to be directed by RT Neason. However, the project was later shelved as Pawan decided to quit movies and concentrate on full time politics.