Kabir Singh actress Kiara Advani’s Twitter account was hacked on Tuesday evening. The actress posted a couple of messages to her Instagram stories, informing her fans about the same. Kiara’s Twitter account is still in the process of being recovered.
Announcing the news of her Twitter account being hacked, Kiara wrote, “My Twitter account has been hacked. We are working on it to get it back. Please ignore any unnecessary or strange tweets being posted.”
In another message, she said, “Please do not click on any suspicious link that is being sent from my Twitter account. My account is still hacked and this link is not sent by me.”
With this, Kiara joins the list Amitabh Bachchan, Adnan Sami, Shahid Kapoor and other Bollywood celebrities who have fallen prey to social media hacking.
On the work front, Kiara has her plate full with films like Indoo Ki Jawaani, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, Laxmmi Bomb and Netflix film Guilty. Kiara is also working with Sidharth Malhotra in Shershaah. All of the aforementioned films release in 2020.