In a startling revelation, Police on Tuesday arrested two drivers Satish and Venkateswarlu, aged around 27 years, for kidnapping a 22 year old software engineer girl nearby Inorbit mall, Hyderabad, and are also charged for raping her at a secluded area.
On the night of last Thursday, a 22 year old Hyderabad techie Abhaya (police given name) who is working for a top IT company was waiting for an auto rickshaw near Inorbit Mall which comes under Madhapur police station limits. Satish, who works as a driver of a Volvo car offered her a drop to hostel for Rupees 40 and his friend Venkatewarulu who works a cab driver posed as a traveller inside the vehicle. After the lady got in, she was driven to a forest area outside the city, rather to her working women’s hostel situated nearby, and was raped by both the accused. When the driver diverted the car towards Outer Ring Road, the girl grew suspicious but the driver stated that he lost road before taking her to a forest spot.
Till date it was believed that the girl was about to get kidnapped, and the accused have fled when she raised an alarm. But irony is that she is being dropped back by the accused after confining her to their custody for about six hours.