Ram Gopal Varma’s latest offering, Killing Veerappan is all set for a grand release on December 4th. The movie will have same day release in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. Efforts are on to dub the film in to more languages later. Ram Gopal Varma managed to create good interest on the film.
On one occasion, he said, “I gathered the real story of Veerappan from unnameable and highly secretive sources and it has 100 times more drama and content than that of Dawood Ibrahim.
The biggest hero for me is the man who killed the biggest villain and so this is the actual untold and unknown true story of the man who killed Veerappan”, Sandeep Bhardwaj plays Veerappan in the movie and he is so believable in the role. Ram Gopal Varma had roped in Sai Karthik to score music for the film but there are no songs in the film.