Some months ago, news popped out that actor Nandamuri Balakrishna would be working with maverick filmmaker Krishna Vamsi for his 101th film ‘Raithu’. Also, the actor-director duo approached Bollywood Big B Amitabh Bachchan to ask him for a crucial role in film. While that was good news for Balayya’s loyal fans, it also came with some bad news that the project has been called off for various undisclosed reasons.
If the latest reports are to be believed, the Legend actor will be back to work in a faction story again! And, it’s under the direction for a popular Tamil filmmaker. Having scored many hits with faction backdrop stories in the past – Samarasimha Reddy, Narasimha Naidu, Chennakeshava Reddy and many, Balakrishna is yet again planning to hit screens with a similar genre.
Even for his 100th film, actor Balakrishna picked up director Krish’s script after sliding several filmmakers. In the similar fashion, he’s now moved on from KV to Kollywood director KS Ravi Kumar. According to Tamil film reports, Balakrishna reportedly gave nod to work under his direction and the script work is said to be in final stages.
With a view to repeat his vintage magic out to his fans, Balakrishna has chosen this genre and, we must say his fans would be more than happy for him. But considering the way previous rumors about ‘Raithu’ panned out, they wouldn’t want this film to go off.
The reports also suggest that Milky White beauty Tamannah Bhatia will be Balayya’s love interest in the film which is yet to be titled. Post Gautami Putra Satakarni, Balayya intended to cast Shriya Saran opposite him in Raithu. Since that film is not materializing and director KS Ravi Kumar is interested in casting Tamannah in this film, Shriya Saran needs to play a waiting game to achieve her next Telugu offer.
After a disappointing track record in the recent times, KS Ravi Kumar is looking forward to shift his gears with this straight Telugu film. Since it’s a faction story with strong emotions, the actor is known to have highly impressed with it. More details about the script are likely to be out soon.