Looking at Chennai writhing in pain due to floods submerging most parts of city, not just celebs here in Tollywood or Kollywood, but the ones from Bollywood are also getting their hearts choked. Taking a clue from his peers in other tinsel towns, Hindi cinema’s King Khan, Sharukh Khan is also donating money now.
Moved by the pain created by nature’s fury and also feeling proud for Chennai’s resident showcasing immense courage to standup in the difficult times, SRK has donated 1 crore generously for Tamilnadu Chief Minister Public Relief Fund. Also he praised TN government’s efforts for rescue and cleanup operations. On behalf of his production house Red Chillies Entertainment and Team Dilwale, he made this contribution.
Generally SRK’s name is not much heard in terms of helping through NGOs. Unlike other stars like Rajnikanth and Salman Khan, he doesn’t have any NGO to offer help to specific sectors of under-privileged or affected. But his timely charity is appreciable.