TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao today blasted the CM Kiran Kumar Reddy for being anti-Telangana by signing Seemandhra lobby letter to Sonia Gandhi. ‘ He is very uncouth and a wrong example for a politician. He should have stuck to his old game of cricket ,But it seems he had failed there too, KCR said during an informal chat with reporters at Telangana Bhavan this afternoon .
Accusing CM Kiran of many lapses, he said all the statistics rolled out by the CM yesterday were all false and exaggerated and no relevance ground realities. ‘83,000 employees of Seemandhra have already been identified by several committees since 1995 and scheduled to leave Telangana in a phased ‘. But we don’t want Andhra employees to go unless it is essential and if they are encroaching into jobs of locals’ he assured.
There were only few thousand advocates in Hyderabad and not 35,000 as claimed by CM. About power shortage for Telangana, KCR said we will borrow from Chhattisgarh. On water sharing said those issues will be amicably solved. ‘After all we are neighbors, we cannot fight forever, isn’t it?’